Country: Spain 🇪🇸
I am Juan Zas Espinosa. I was born in Pontevedra (Galicia, Spain) sixty-odd years ago. I owe my love of photography to my father from a very young age, analog and black/white times. Now retired, I dedicate myself to my great passion of traveling, photographing, meeting people, places... and feeding my retina (which is very important to me).
Currently, with more experience, time and equipment; my photographic horizon is continually expanding. My first inclination was as a nature, landscape and travel photographer. But as you learn more technique and the eye is educated and sharpened, I am currently more and more interested in people photography, the so-called street photography (especially with the mobile), photojournalism, photography of architecture and interiors; as well as a more creative, minimalist and abstract photography, known by the name of Author Photography (in which lately I am starting to feel more comfortable). In all of them I always try to understand and correctly interpret the Light.
Currently I have won more than 270 international prizes in different contests around the world with almost 200 different images. Among them: at the International Photo Awards, Siena Awards, Guipuzkoa Trophy, Tokyo Awards, Mobile Photo Awards, Maria Luisa Memorial, Glanzlitcher, etc.
Currently, with more experience, time and equipment; my photographic horizon is continually expanding. My first inclination was as a nature, landscape and travel photographer. But as you learn more technique and the eye is educated and sharpened, I am currently more and more interested in people photography, the so-called street photography (especially with the mobile), photojournalism, photography of architecture and interiors; as well as a more creative, minimalist and abstract photography, known by the name of Author Photography (in which lately I am starting to feel more comfortable). In all of them I always try to understand and correctly interpret the Light.
Currently I have won more than 270 international prizes in different contests around the world with almost 200 different images. Among them: at the International Photo Awards, Siena Awards, Guipuzkoa Trophy, Tokyo Awards, Mobile Photo Awards, Maria Luisa Memorial, Glanzlitcher, etc.