Country: Italy 🇮🇹
My name is Marco Zaffignani, I live and work in Milan. I am a professional educator and I look after mothers and children in difficulty.\\r\\nI enjoy nature, landscape and travel photography. Regardless of photographic styles, I like beautiful, original and interesting photographs.\\r\\nI love traveling, exploring and sharing what I see, through photographs, with friends, specialized magazines and competitions. I have a personal blog that I update with photo galleries and\\r\\ntravel reports. I purchased my first compact camera to coincide with my first intercontinental trip to Southeast Asia in 2014.\\r\\nFrom there I deepened my knowledge and increased my experiences in the field with regards to landscape photography in particular. I prefer tripod shots\\r\\nand the use of wide-angle lenses, which I love. I like to spend a lot of time in the shooting location (reaching it hours before or several times over time)\\r\\nto study the composition meticulously, after which I dedicate myself to waiting for the light. I am also very attracted to underwater photography, in particular shots on the surface of the water.\\r\\nIn the future I would like to dedicate myself more to them, through more professional equipment.