Maymoni Maya

Country: Israel 🇮🇱

My name is Maya Maymoni. I’m a wildlife and travel professional photographer, based in the Israeli Arava desert. I live in a tiny community, surrounded by nature and animals, where I witness the most beautiful sunsets.

For me, photography is a way of life. In my photography I strive to capture unique moments in nature and reveal the beauty of life. Wildlife photography is a special passion of mine. Observing and photographing nature is a form of meditation for me.

My camera is my constant companion in my travels around the world, where I love to be exposed to wildlife and different cultures. Along with personal photography projects overseas, I began guiding photography tours all over the world. Among the locations I’ve been lucky to visit is Africa, for which I have a passion that blossomed when I first visited the continent as a young girl. I instantly fell in love - with the wildlife, the people, the culture, the dance and the food.

My mission in my photography is to inspire wildlife conservation; to bring disappearing cultures to light, to connect people and to spread the love of photography with enthusiasm. Along with my work as a photographer, I work for health and human rights.

I like to view my work as a way of forming bonds with other people, and as an open invitation for connection and friendship. I believe that photography has the power to encourage us to think, question and challenge our beliefs and behavior. Through my images, I wish to inspire people to celebrate life and preserve our amazing planet.