Country: Italy 🇮🇹
Oscar Di Montigny is an expert in Mega trends and Major Scenarios, Innovative Marketing, Relational Communication and Corporate Education. With keynote speeches with a strong motivational impact, in national and international events, both public and corporate, he leads the audience through the identification of new possible keys to interpret events, offering complementary and functional perspectives to face the challenges of the future. He is Chief Innovation, Sustainability & Value Strategy Officer at Banca Mediolanum, and the President of Flowe. As a professional, he has made education the heart of the Mediolanum Corporate University, a project he set up in 2009, and of Banca Mediolanum’s Centodieci.it cultural platform (a digital magazine and community events), that he created and launched in 2013. He also promotes these principles through his activities in publishing, as a keynote speaker at international conferences, as a guest lecturer at schools and universities, and in his advocacy work with business groups.