Country: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Hello! My name is Ben Pulletz. I'm 19 years old from the United Kingdom. I live in the county of Somerset. I'm surrounded by great landscapes and an abundance of wildlife. I try to capture wildlife images that catch your eye! I spend hours out photographing and I won't give up on any image even if it takes months or years to achieve. I’m strong minded and determined in saving our natural world. I put a lot of time making one fantastic image rather than ten average images. I will work out the settings the composition of my images in the moment. I started photography about three years ago and have not put my camera down since. I love it! The thrill of it for me is not knowing what I’m going to capture each time I step out of my front door. I have recently put up a number of owl boxes in my local area so hopefully in the near future I will see more owls flying around.