Sergio Galan sanchis

Country: Spain 🇪🇸

"I'm a passionated traveler. I try to catch what amazes me in photographs and writtings."

- Remarkable artwork in Siena International Awards 2017
- Finalist in 2018 SIPA contest
- Finalist in 2022 SIPA contest
- Selected in National Geographic's Daily Dozen (06/18/2018).
- Nikon has included a picture of mine in the NIKON CALENDAR 2020 (Month of Febrary).
- 2nd place in 5th FAPA (Fine Art Photography Awards), 2019 in category Night Photography.
- Included in Magnum Photography Awards Gallery 2017.
- Paris PX3 Prix de la Photographie Gold 2019.
- Paris PX3 Prix de la Photografie Bronze 2018.
- 3 Honorable Mentions in IPA (Intl Photography Awards) 2018.
- 3 Honorable Mentions in ND Awards (Neutral Density Photography Awards) 2018.
- Nominee in 4th FAPA (Fine Art Photography Awards), 2018 in category Street Photography.
- Nominee in 5th FAPA (Fine Art Photography Awards), 2018 in category Open Theme.