Country: Germany 🇩🇪
My name is Hans Wichmann, born in 1949 and I live in Cologne / Germany. When I was 10 years old, I got my first camera as a present. The main reasons for my photografical skills are patience, exchange with other photographers and the successful participation in photo contests for more than 30 years. In relation to other photographers, I shoot a rather small amount of photos per year. But when I discover a motif, I sometimes stay hours there and I may also come back several times until the picture seems perfect to me. Moreover I try to include the human to show how small he is. I am especially excited about architecture and landscapes. I am fascinated by the the infinite forms of buildings and landscapes which look different at any light. The contrasts between bright and dark, the abstraction of different forms increase the emotions and the effect of the picture. Within the last years, I returned to my beginnings and rediscovered the potential of black and white photography.