Country: Turkey 🇹🇷
He was born in Kızıltepe, Mardin. Muş Alparslan University Radio and Television Programming department won the program, and then Istanbul Yeni Yüz Yil University Journalism department won the license.
He holds the AFIAP-GPU CR1-G.APS–COSBR–Hon.CPE-Hon.F.NOBEL-Hon.MUFSAD titles and won the Silver Medal in the FIAP World Cup competition in 2018. He works on photography projects, and national competitions that receive national and international awards have also been held legally.
He holds the AFIAP-GPU CR1-G.APS–COSBR–Hon.CPE-Hon.F.NOBEL-Hon.MUFSAD titles and won the Silver Medal in the FIAP World Cup competition in 2018. He works on photography projects, and national competitions that receive national and international awards have also been held legally.