Country: Poland 🇵🇱
I was born in 1981. I live in a small town, Debrzno, Poland. My adventure with photography started in 2011. My profession is a forester, but unfortunately, I am not able to stay for the whole day in the forest, as I am working in the office. Most of my natural pictures are taken on the way to and from my home to work, or just during the weekend. It did not take a long time for photography to become my life passion. At the beginning I was just going for a stroll to the forest with my camera and I was so happy to capture a few photos of animals, like a deer or squirrel. Today, all my shots are planned with advance. Some of my subjects I organized for a few weeks ahead, and waiting time to meet my models sometimes it takes hours! Not every time I can carry out my plans, I am still looking for new methods to immortalize the wonders and beauty of nature. Without a great idea, you are not able to take a good photo. And on the top of that, you have to be very patient and consistent in pursuing your goal. Sometimes it is all about luck. You need to remember that Mother Nature is unpredictable. During my photo session, the atmosphere is incredible, awesome emotions are awakening and interaction with nature is amazing. It is pure magic. I try to catch the best and most interesting light, and I wait for the intriguing animals behaviour.