Lokman Elibol

Country: United States 🇺🇸

In 2005 I began working as a videographer in Anadolu Agency.

Throughout my 16 years long career I have covered many historical events more than 75 countries.

I covered many conflicts at the most dangerous war zones and lots of important events such as Egypt-Egyptian Revolution 2011, Libya-17 February Revolution 2011, Sudan-Referendum 2011, Rakhine -Rohingya 2012, Columbia Referendum 2016, US General Elections 2016, Hurricane Florence 2018, Hurricane Dorian 2019, COVID 19 Outbreak in NYC 2020 and George Floyd Protests and Capitol Storm 2021.

I also covered important international summits and organizations like G20-Los Cabos, Brisbane, Istanbul, Argentina, UN General Assemblies, NATO etc.

I'm currently working at Anadolu Agency in New York