Morteza Nikoubazl

Country: Iran 🇮🇷

Morteza Nikoubazl was born in Tehran, Iran in 1974 and studied art and photography there. Nikoubazl started work as a freelance photographer for Iranian daily and weekly newspapers. He began working with the Reuters team as Freelance photographer from 1999 up to 2013. After Reuters which has closed by the order from the Iranian Government in 2013, he worked with the UNHCR as its trusted photographer in Iran, New York Times International, Zuma Press and Sipa Press photo agencies and now he is working with the Italian Photo agency, NurPhoto. He also did some stories for the National Geographic Magazine Farsi in
Iran as a contributor photographer.
Nikoubazl has participated in domestic and international exhibitions, and in 2015, a frame of his work was displayed in the Louvre Museum in Paris in the digital display section of the SeeMe photo Exhibition project.
His pictures have published through Reuters and International medias in Newspapers, websites, Magazines and Books as well as, National Geographic, Time, Newsweek, Spiegel, L’Express, Washington post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Life, Daily Mail, Christian Science Monitor, Guardian, etc...