Wojtek Meczynski

Country: Poland 🇵🇱

I am an underwater photographer by passion and an event producer by trade. I’ve been diving since 2006 and taking UW photography seriously since my first trip to South-East Asia back in 2013. Macro has always been my love. Nevertheless, I am enjoying wide angle photography as well. I had a great privilege to meet and photograph some of the largest ocean roamers – humpback whales and whale sharks.

I write about photography and travel, lead diving trips, present my photos at individual and group exhibitions. I like to share my passion for oceans and their inhabitants with others through talks and presentations organized at travel shows and festivals, as well as at schools.

I am an OM System ambassador.

I believe that sharing good underwater photography with the public makes more people appreciate the fact that Earth in a water planet.

Save the Oceans!