Marco filippo Spinelli

Country: Italy 🇮🇹

Marco Spinelli, a documentary filmmaker and underwater photographer born in 1995, has distinguished himself in recent years through projects focused on raising awareness and conserving the marine environment. His most recent works, "Ghost Nets" and "Lantern Shark," have received recognition at various international festivals.

In 2021, together with his brother Andrea (a marine biologist and researcher), he successfully completed "Euridice Mission," a documentary available on Amazon Prime Video. This work focuses on the retrieval of a ton of abandoned fishing nets in the Gulf of Cefalù, Sicily. His technical and professional expertise allows him to amplify the voices of environmental challenges, generating interest in positive actions.

In 2022, Marco enriched his repertoire with the documentary "I, Tiber - Roots of the Sea," also available on Amazon Prime. This film provides a fascinating look at the overlooked beauty of the Tiber River, a journey from the source to the mouth, promoting reflection on the need to defend the planet.

Through his works, Marco Spinelli is committed to communicating a contagious love for marine ecosystems and the environment as a whole. His stories, expressed through photographs, videos, and documentaries, captivate audiences with the power of imagery. Marco aspires to share and make known the sea in all its forms, advocating not only for the prevention of environmental disasters and climate change but actively addressing these challenges. His mission goes beyond storytelling, aiming to instill a deep connection between humanity and nature and urging decisive action to preserve our precious planet.