Andrea Michelutti

Country: Italy 🇮🇹

Born in Friuli-Venezia-Giulia in 1970 where he still lives and works, he soon discovered his love for photography, his first SLR dates back to 1981.
Entrepreneur and a great travel enthusiast, he has always focused his attention on the synergy between the landscapes and the people that populate them, to translate his particular idea of "going" into images.
Since 2014 he became passionate about underwater photography, where he has translated his particular “feeling”, always trying to establish an empathy with the inhabitants of the underwater world.
Thanks to the sea and its creatures, he found the way to best express his natural aptitude for colour.
Underwater photographer for passion and fun, he has obtained recognitions in some of the most important national and international competitions, with the privilege of achieving great satisfactions starting from pure passion.