Pedro Armestre

Country: Spain 🇪🇸

Pedro ARMESTRE (A Rasela, Verin. Ourense. 1972) Photojournalist since 1993. Started in the laboratory of Europa Press agency to continue on the Cover Agency, El Mundo, La Interviú magazine.\\r\\n\\r\\nSince 2003 he is dedicated, cover information for the International Agence France Presse recently combining this activity with the realization of multimedia content for television and other channels of information.\\r\\nMaintains collaboration with various organizations for performing work of documentation national and international; for media, exhibitions, journalistic investigations, etc.\\r\\nHe has made photographic works , for companies of various nature, as well as for numerous media. \\r\\nHighlight publications worldwide through The International Agence France Presse and other distribution channels. \\r\\n\\r\\nFounding member, along with journalist Susana Hidalgo, of the digital magazine Calamar2 ( specializing in social and environmental reports with a largely audiovisual approach.\\r\\n \\r\\nThroughout his career he has received several awards: "Pictures of the Year Poy Latan", the International award "Rey de España" of journalism, First position in the international prize: "Pictures of the Year International POYi, in category: Science & Natural history picture story", "Ortega y Gasset", National journalism award "Manos Unidas", etc.\\r\\nHe has edited ,two photographic books, of which, he is the own author, and participated in numerous collectives. For further information access your personal web.\\r\\n