![Ahmed mohamed Hassan]( https://img.artphototravel.com/user/adEaDSKizx2gY2a5d05vvUd3RCfYCPJa.jpg
Country: Qatar 🇶🇦
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hassan (( EFIAP/s - PPSA - EIUP - AICS - GPU CR 2 - ASWAN - BEPSS - LUSPA - EFMPA - GPU Hermes - EFIP Gold - GPU VIP 2 - PIPC Horus - c*MOL - BPSA - A.CPE - RISF 4 - ER ISF - Hon. ESCPS - FAPU - HON.EICS - AUSPA )).I have dreamed to be among famous international photographers around the world who can help and provide useful knowledge to others and preserve the beauty of the world culture for different photographic generation through my Photos.Being a Member in Several Photographic Federations / Unions has given me further courage to step forward in the field . I Started to work and getting enthusiastic in the field of photography since 2015. I am very much interested in photography because I see it as a reflection of human’s emotion, the greatness of cultures and to help preserve our tradition from getting wiped in new generation’s mind. I am specialized in Street, travel, and lifestyle photography.At 2016, I started my passion to travel around the world to explore different cultures, as I do believe that nothing is better than doing what you like and pursuing your dream. Each image I shoot is not considered a subject, rather a story that captures my Heart before my lens, because it touches my soul and make me feel the story behind it.Personal information :. President and Founder of Pharaohs international photographic club (( PIPC )) .....Photographic Expert With different art associations in many countries..... I won more than 600 international awards..... Judge in international photo Salons..... Earned college degree in Medicine in Egypt..... Born and raised in Qatar.