Country: Belgium 🇧🇪
What started as a fascinating occupation when I was nine years old with my first analog Kodak camera, steadily grew into the passion that defines me. Photography is my view on the world, people, stories, moments and places. More than observation, it is about feelings, emotions, expression, it is so to speak my therapy.Graduated as Master in Archaeology, man, in all its facets and diversity, is a constant source of inspiration and amazement for me. The essence of photography for me is emotion, in all its diversity and complexity. The true beauty of emotion and the story behind is what I capture in an authentic way with portraits, street photography, and projects. Feelings, shadow, and light are my guiding principles, I feel what I photograph rather than what I actually see. To me, photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. You can look at a picture for a week and never think about it again. You can also look at a photo for a second and think about it all your life. Photography gives you the opportunity to use everything you are to tell your story.